Great service, very easy to do business with. Friendly and efficient!


Great service...as usual!!


Always quick to get my car in for service and open about the what needs to be done and what can wait.


5 Stars,never been disappointed


very helpful and honest, will be back again with other car problems


Service is alway very professional and there is a genuine concern for doing what is in the best interest of the customer and getting the vehicle working properly. Good communication.


Got my Durango in quickly. Thanks!


My car was in for service, low coolant light, and a "noise". The noise turned out to be AC compressor. PCC had replaced my AC last summer and I was pleased they had record of that. Jay said the compressor ( and labor ) would be covered under warranty. I have had my cars serviced at several different places and have not been "happy" with most of them. There are to many times that things have been rubber stamped as okay, when they were not. I appreciate my car getting a good check over and have things pointed out that may need attention, atleast at some point. Your record keeping must be very good, as your staff gave me a friendly reminder about notes that were written from my last service. Again, that is very much appreciated!! Cost is a concern for me. I am going to bring both of my cars to PCC and see how it goes. Thank you! Randy


Jeff and the superb crew he has assembled over the years have taken outstanding care of all the vehicles I have owned for more than 20 years -- but consummate technical competence is only half of the package Jeff gives his customers. The other half is responsible and ethical service: it is clear that Jeff is not the kind of business owner who puts profit above all else; he is dedicated to providing his customers with the best service possible -- treating every car the way he would treat his own mother's car. I don't know much about cars myself, but Jeff is one of those few automotive professionals willing to take on the responsibility of treating my vehicles as if they were in fact his own. His team is attentive to every detail as they go over my cars during regular maintenance (right down to checking the air pressure in the spare tire) and bringing things that need consideration to my attention. Jay especially has an amazing ability to explain mechanical things in ways I can understand, so that I can make informed decisions about things like whether something can wait or if it should really be done now, or whether I should replace something with a newly manufactured part or if a rebuilt component will do. Whenever Jay, Cathy, Austin (it has been a real pleasure to watch that young man, who used to play with my sons as a boy, mature into a competent professional under Jeff's tutelage), or someone else on Jeff's team calls me while my car's in the shop to get a decision from me, they are always prepared with accurate estimates, and frequently provide alternate estimates for doing the work a different way. I sometimes hear others in town tell me that I can get some kind of car service done elsewhere for less money, but my impression is that whether these suggested competitors of Pella Car Care deliver this additional kind of value is questionable at best, and the security and peace of mind I derive from the way Jeff does business makes it well worth Jeff's very reasonable invoices to me. Besides, those busybodies are wrong: both Jeff and Jay have time after time given me tips that save me money while keeping my cars running well -- and safely. And the peace of mind I mentioned is real, not imagined: any husband and father can find a number of things to feel a bit anxious about when his wife takes long road trips out of state, or when his kids take cars to college -- but the condition of my cars on these trips was never one of those worries for me, my confidence in that condition has proven to be very well deserved: in all this time, no one in my family has ever been stranded because of a breakdown, and not only that, but not one of my cars has ever -- not even once -- had any mechanical problem because some kind of maintenance wasn't done properly. That's quite a record, and I feel personally indebted to Jeff because of it. The only way I can repay him is to try to enhance the already sterling reputation he has around town, and I'm always looking for opportunities to do just that; this review is one of them. Jeff is the kind of businessman who is a significant and very positive asset to our community: Pella is a better place to live because he does business here. I feel very lucky to have hooked up with him soon after I moved to town, and I think my kids have benefitted from having been exposed to the way he does business now that they are on their own and are choosing their own mechanics, since they have learned to demand the same kind of service from them. Jeff walks the talk: just in the way he does his job, he makes a positive and valuable contribution both to the lives of his employees in the way he requires them to adhere to his high standards, and to lives of his customers for showing them that there are still businessmen who will deliver the best service they can just because of their own personal ethical standards. I honestly feel that my life has been richer for having known Jeff. Dave ErkenBrack


It was great! :)

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